Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Only Skin Care Products That Are Safe Are Homeopathic Ones

By Mari Orr

So many women across the globe suffer day to day with problematic skin. Whether it is oily, greasy, dry or acne prone, we have seen it all. Man made synthetic products have many side effects that are best to avoid. The only skin care products that will give you results are natural ones.

The earth is vast with plants and natural sources of healing. It is always useful to know and to have home remedies for everything but they should also be used with care. If used incorrectly, you may use the wrong herb for the wrong ailments and have undesired results.

One of the best natural ingredients is honey. Known for its anti-bacterial properties, it is commonly used for coughs and other illnesses. You may find it in medicines and is beneficial to drink in ones tea. It is also beneficial as an external facial product. It can cleans and give you softer skin.

Oats are also good for healthy toned pores. Mix them with honey and lemon juice for a natural face mask. There is no need to cook the oats, they can be used raw for this purpose.

Something else that is popular is rooibos tea. Many face products such as exfoliators, washes and soaps include rooibos in their ingredients. It is well known for its ability to deep cleanse and give you a younger appearance.

Do some research and try to find ingredients that soften, cleans, exfoliate and give you an even tone. The wonderful thing about these natural sources is that there are no harmful side effects. Heavy drugs in medicines, ointments or tablets, may work quicker, or not at all. Some drugs do not agree with the body and give you awful side effects. the only skin care products that are safe to use for long or short term use are recommended naturopathic products. Look out for these at a homeopathic shop or try to make your own masks out of household ingredients.

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Oily skin care , Natural skin care tips , Skin care products , Naturaly beauty secrets , Skin care tips 2012

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